External Competitions

External Competitions

SDCC Inter Club & External Competitions


New for 2020-21 season Calcutta Cup with Witney Photo Group.

A challenge from south of the border via Zoom 22nd Sept 2020

A PDI open competition with 30 images per club no older than 3 seasons and no more than 2 images per member for max. participation.

SPF Area 5 Way comp.
This is a 5 club competition held mid November between – Stirling, Kirkintilloch, Falkirk, Cumbernauld & Kilsyth and Airdrie & Coatbridge. It is held in rotation and entry is 5 prints (either mono or colour) and 5 Digital projected images. Maximum of 2 pieces of work from the same author in each section

The Falkirk Battle      
Normally held mid November. This was originally a slide competition and now digital projected.  Entry is 25 images per club with a maximum of 5 images from any one author

Edinburgh P.S. 6 way is now 4 Way  
This was originally a 6-club competition started by Edinburgh Photographic Society and held early December with the winning club hosting the next competition. Over time it is now hosted in rotation and only 4 clubs are involved, Edinburgh PS, Musselburgh, Stirling and Kirkcaldy.
Entry is 15 digital images per club with a max. 3 images per photographer.

3 Way Competition 
Normally held in late February this competition between Stirling, Crieff and Auchterarder changed in 2017 from 4 mono print, 4 colour print and 8 DPI to an all DPI competition with 6 Colour, 6 Mono and 6 Nature images from each club with a maximum of 2 entries from the same photographer in each section.

Williamson Trophy  
This is a print only competition held mid March between Stirling, Falkirk and Kirkintilloch. There is a mono and a colour section with a trophy for each.  Entry is 6 mono and 8 colour prints per club with a maximum of 2 entries by any one author in each section.

External Competitions

SPF Portfolio

Digital competition usually held early summer, all details on SPF web site


As well as the Scottish Photographic Society and Royal Photographic Society there are many other organizations running regular Photographic competitions that SDCC have entered at one time or another and if sufficient interest returns, we will enter again.

Tom Forrest