Digital Imaging Preparation

Digital Imaging Preparation Guidelines  2019-20

Below are some of the many examples of Digital Image preparation videos available on the internet, some are specific to a particular camera club while others are just general guides.

For the Stirling Camera club Entries you should use the following settings

Maximum Horizontal  width  1600 pixels

Maximum Vertical height  1200 pixels

Mode RGB,  8bits

Srgb colour space  profile

Baseline (standard) jpeg

File size of aprox 2Mb or less

File name..  should have the image “Title” and your membership number 

Example……  Evening sunset 25.jpg

Durham Photographic Society preparation using Bridge

Ashford Photographic Society PDI preparation video using Lightroom

General resizing an Image by Karl Taylor, Lightroom, Photoshop and Picasa

Beaumaris & Menai Bridge Camera Club Projected Digital Image (PDI) competitions.

Lancaster Photographic Society Photoshop preparation

Uses black borders, my experience was not so good

Another General Photoshop prep


The judge  will use a colour corrected computer to view your original untouched images and should be able to open any file sent to him even if not the correct specification.


Our projector, although several years old is a high quality Canon SX 80 mark 11 and for the competitions we use the srgb USB connection which eliminates the need for a computer, however, if the file type is not correct it may not project correctly or at all.

Colour Chart   displayed at the start of each PDI competition  [ link to SDCC chart ]


Marrutt  provide the most basic of colour charts for image checking which is easy and free. This cannot compare with the accuracy of a colour corrected monitor using the clubs X-Rite ColorMunki but can get you close.

Marrutt have a short video to explain

Marrutt will post the colour test chart to you for free and you can download the image file for comparison.


Colour correction the club has a ColorMunki free to borrow.

There are so many photography videos on Utube and other web sites that I will leave it up to you to find some good ones, let the rest of the club know and replace or add to the ones already here.

